TRACK: This is a table mounted 4 lane Scalextric Sport track, marked black, white, red, yellow, with a bridge to make each lane nominally the same standard length of 66ft. The construction is modular, the curves (some banked), straights and curves are wired as units with multiple distribution points, to give even power across the circuit. Car control is provided through ‘PARMA’ economy 45 ohm trigger hand controllers, in place of the Scalextric 60 ohm units, with separate regulated power supplies for each lane.
With the table in parts and modular sport sections, the full circuit takes around 15 minutes to set up, allowing a number of layouts. For RALLY we replace this layout with a combination of the stages shown below.

CHERWELL Rally Stage 1 (8ftx4ft) shown in Slot Rally form with single lane crossover. Routed /copper tape construction giving approximately 9M laps in 10 – 12 Sec.

CHERWELL 2 Rally Stage (8.5ft x 3.5ft) shown in Slot Rally form with single lane crossover. Scalextric Sport with two jumps and ‘Raid section’, approximately 9M laps in 12 – 15 Sec.

SPICEBALL PARK (8ft x 4ft)- This Rally Stage is in two parts A and B each 11M with lap times of 10 – 13 Sec and includes “RADE and SNOW” sections (also schools key stage2).

We have a forth Scalextric Classic Rally of similar size, for club meetings all are raced as two lane.

RACE MANAGEMENT is by computer, optically recording each lap and race to 0.001sec (1/1000) for drivers by name. False start penalties, pursuit times, average times/speed, race/session positions, starting lights/sequences, driver rotation, track power and more are all controlled , or advised by the computer.